A unique selection of exotic colourful designs
With a background in architecture and furniture making, Josef Frank is renowned for creating joyous textile designs in dazzling colours celebrating nature. “The freer the pattern, the better,” Frank said of his exotic creations, dense with flowers, fruits, birds, mountains, and waterways in surreal colour combinations.
1 product
Contemporary textiles
The two designs in this collection have been carefully chosen because they epitomise all that is fabulous about Josef Frank's style of design.
The iconic Under Ekvatorn, translates to Under the Equator, is one of the most colourful prints Frank created. The stunning range of flowers used in this print are not real but are so reminiscent of blooms we know that it creates a wonderful fantasy feel. Whilst the Primavera design is full of the colours of nature and features familiar spring flowers: tulips, hyacinths, daisies, violets, anemone and forget-me-nots.
Exclusively imported for Cheeky Chairs from Svenskt Tenn in Sweden, our selected fabric designs are printed onto premium quality linen ensuring our Josef Frank chairs will bring an exotic and opulent touch to any room.